Low Mood & Depression 

It can be really challenging for those with low mood and depression to seek help, so if this is you, well done for being here. Low mood and depression can be debilitating, not only does it give a person a feeling of hopelessness but it can also impact their physical health too, leaving them feeling tired, drained and with little energy to make changes.

Having hypnotherapy as part of the process has helped my clients bring back a feeling of energy and joy into their lives. We can use the creative mind to re-program past experiences and start bringing light into the future. Often people experiencing low mood or depression get stuck in rumination, negative thinking, inactivity and tend to withdraw from the world, leaving them feeling lonely, hopeless and sometimes ashamed or guilty - If this is you, you are not alone. Even from the first session things can change, as we rewire your thinking and start challenging some of the stories your mind has become very used to telling you.

Part of the process involves a deep understanding and experiencing of self-kindness and self-compassion which can feel quite foreign to those stuck in a cycle of low mood or depression. Often the inner critic has become so embedded in our minds that we have lost the ability to stand back and recognise the achievements we are making, even with the challenges we are facing inside. When this happens our self-esteem gets impacted, which further compounds a feeling of failure, sadness and hopelessness.

Whether you're experiencing a lighter trickle of negative thoughts and low mood or feeling closer to depression, I create a safe space for us to explore what has brought you here and help you, step by step, to move into a better place. With a combination of creative hypnotherapy tools and CBT exercises we can work together to bring you back to a place of lightness, resilience and a bright life-force energy.

Do you:

❌ Feel as though the future seems hopeless which leaves you feeling stuck and low?

❌ Have repeating negative thoughts that weigh you down?

❌ Feel like life is an uphill battle and are unsure of how to reconnect to things you used to enjoy?

❌ Find yourself withdrawing from the world because you just don’t feel like seeing other people?

❌ Often feel overwhelmed and exhausted… like it’s all getting on top of you?

Would you rather?

✅ Find lightness and hope again, and perhaps even feel excited about the future?

✅ Learn how to manage negative thoughts to make room for more positive ones that life your mood?

Reconnect to things you enjoy and start living fully again?

Know how to ask for help and find a way to enjoy socialising again?

✅ Understand how to better manage your emotions so you can take positive action in your life?

If any of these apply to you and you are ready to say yes to making the transition then you’re in the right place, because this is exactly what I help my clients to do.

Types of treatment I use:

  • Cognitive Hypnotherapy Techniques

  • Talking Therapy Techniques & Coaching Techniques

  • Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

  • Limiting Belief Techniques

  • Relaxation Techniques

  • Visualisation Techniques

  • Neural Rewiring Interventions

  • Creative Parts Work

  • Inner Child & Self-Parenting Exercises

  • CBT Techniques & Exercises

  • Psycho-education

  • Befriending and Accepting Techniques

Common signs may include*:

  • Repetitively revisiting themes of loss or failure in your thoughts 

  • Loss of interest in activities which you used to enjoy

  • Feeling negative and experiencing constant stream of negative thoughts

  • Strong inner critic/ Negative internal narrative or voice

  • Feeling of hopelessness

  • Irritability

  • Constantly feeling pessimistic

Physical Symptoms might include*:

  • Persistent crying

  • Fatigue

  • Loss of concentration

  • Loss of activity

  • Feeling heavy

  • Aches and pains

  • Digestive issues

  • Over or under sleeping

  • Rapid weight-loss or weight-gain.

Disclaimer: As a duty of care I must inform you that this work is not suitable for anyone who has ever had a medical practitioner or mental health professional diagnose them with any of the following, as these are contra-indicated for hypnotherapy: Epilepsy, Narcolepsy, Bipolar Disorder, Personality Disorder, Psychotic Episodes, Schizophrenia, or any other psychiatric condition, nor those who have previously taken steps to serious self-harm or suicide. If you have any questions about this please email me.

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